Thursday, September 08, 2005

sense of normalcy

i was back in dance class last night after a two week absence. it felt awesome. also, it gave me a sense of normalcy after two weeks of playing host/tour-guide. i had two sets of guests visit me recently and my daily routine was totally thrown off. i'm not in any way complaining coz the past two weeks has been the best so far this year...

cousin mei ... my dear "little sister" and i reunited after 4 long years. funny how seeing her at the airport brought me to tears. it felt surreal to actually see her and hold her. spending time with her gave me a sense of "being home". she bridged the gap between my two homes - LA and Manila. and most definitely. her visit was good for my soul. and everytime i will hear the lyrics "you don't know how much you mean to me. Whenever you down, you know that you can lean on me. No matter the situation, I'm gonna hold you down", i shall look back on mei's visit to LA and smile.

nina and girlie ... two friends of mine from college came out to LA for Labor Day weekend. it was a long weekend filled with good times and lol, alcohol! what amazes is me the fact that i've known these girls for about 9 years now and through the years we all managed to be friends. we may have grown up differently in some ways but when we're together, it all comes back. it feels like we're back in college - wandering free spirits in search of fun and maybe a sense of purpose. being with nina and girlie is one good reality check - that true friends are rare and i'm lucky i have them.

mei, nina and girlie - three girls i spent the last 2 weeks with reminded me to stay grounded. their presence made realize what i was in the past and in a lot of ways help me understand what i am today.

it's bittersweet when the day comes that it's time for guests to leave. every single time i would wonder and ask myself - when will we see each other again. only time can tell, i guess. as long as we stay in touch, special bond with relatives and friends will remain strong. it may be a lot of work but for sure, it's all worth the effort.

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