Sunday, January 08, 2006

mr. db

i got myself a new bestfriend. mr. db - short for dustbuster. but he's not short for anything else. he gets the job done and i'm happy about it.

i've visited like 4 houses recently with a dustbuster laying around in the kitchen or in a discreet area in the living room. the name pretty much gives away the main purpose of the machine but it never crossed my mind that a dustbuster was something i would i ideally have in my house. after gathering a handful of interesting information from friends, i finally got one for myself yesterday. after 16 hours of initial charging, i put mr. db to the test this afternoon and boy, he is a blessing indeed! it picked up, not only annoying dust, but worthless crap on my carpet and on my couch. dirt and hair in between those little crevices in my closet, on my dresser and in the bathroom was sucked into neverland. scraps of foreign objects in my kitchen are now buh-bye.

household chores has never been my cup of tea but today i was saved. i spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening dustbusting. =)

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