Saturday, January 28, 2006

JM in manila

JM is now kissing and signing US stamps! how cool is that??

here's an excerpt from JM's 1/23/2006 journal entry called Excuses for Excusing one's Self.

My room here in Manila feels like it did when I left it almost 2 years ago. Assuming it's the same room. It's hard to tell. Hotels have a wonderful way of making you feel like your always coming home, that is, if you show your loyalty to a select few. Holy shit, my name is embroidered on the pillows. I wish I had brought a camera with me now. I would've taken a photo of agro-Toca on the flight to Manila as he was purposefully spilling a soda on the guy in front of him in protest of minimal legroom.

I've spent maybe 6 dollars since I've been here, on two 3-dollar beverages from Starbucks, which were actually paid for by my companions on this adventure. At the show last night, they advertised this hotel as the official residence of Jason Mraz. They aren't kidding. Every employee in this place calls me by my first name. Good morning Mr. Jason. Will you be having tea with us Mr. Jason? Don't forget to take your pillowcases home with you Mr. Jason. My name is embroidered on the pillowcases. They also gave me breakfast coupons so all I have to do is hand one over to feast the waffle, rice and everything that comes from a pig.

Mr. Jason was what they called me when I worked at a day care center for about a month during the summer of 96. It was called Almost Angels Day care center. To me that name sounded more like kids who were almost dead. I couldn't handle that kind of pressure.

Toca scored some (blank) last night, the very same that was given to JaRule and the Black Eyed Peas when they stayed here. I wonder if they had black Eyes Peas inscribed on the pillowcases. If so I want a pair to go with my Black Eyed Pea themed bedroom at home. They will complete the collection in the elegant manner I'm aiming for. Mraz I Am.


this boy is too funny!!!

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