Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas in Hell

check out Christmas in Hell by Michael Lent. now available on Amazon (Barnes and Noble will be coming soon). The book won't hit book store shelves until after the holidays but is currently available on Amazon and several other online venues.

and dont' forget to check the website -

ok peeps, go click on the link and order a copy of the book. it's the perfect holiday gift for your spouse, gf/bf, ex-gf/ex-bf. ex-ex-gf/ex-ex-bf (if you're still friends with them), relative, co-worker, neighbor, enemy or your landlady.

and i wonder .... what actually goes on in hell on christmas day? i doubt it if it's a holiday for them too. do they sulk all day coz the rest of the world is celebrating the birth of jesus christ? do they walk around and pretend that it is NOT the 25th of december? they probably celebrate it by turning up the heat or adding more wood to the fire. ehh i dunno. and i don't intend to find answers to my questions anytime soon. teehee .....

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