Monday, June 23, 2008

Moon and Venus

i get a weekly email of my astrological reading courtesy of Astrocenter and once in a blue moon i would actually find it in my inbox loaded with a gazillion emails from the weekend. here's the weekly reading i got today and i felt it's worth posting...

What Do You Want?

The Sun and Venus in Cancer make this a time of reflection, APM. It is a good idea to slow down and to take a look at your priorities. This process happens about the same time every year, and it gives you the opportunity to conserve your energy and to affirm your direction by tuning into your inner guidance. If you can plant the seeds of your future desires in your subconscious mind while it is more accessible to you, you will set great forces in motion that will enable you to bring your dreams to life. This week is rather like a period of gestation when you are waiting for the right time to make a move. Forces beyond your control are working on your behalf so that once the Sun moves into your sign, you will be ready to take action and bring these exciting ideas to life. You have a lot of energy at your disposal but may not have a focus for it. It may help to use it in order to clean out clutter, clear up any backlog, and give yourself plenty of room to maneuver once you know where what you are doing.


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