Thursday, January 31, 2008

enero ... enero ... enero ...

i'm back!

the month of January flew by. it's as if it was only yesterday when i finished unpacking from my Canada trip. the holidays came and went - a fact that i'm both pleased and sad about. i'm pretty happy the holiday insanity, often referred to as holidaze, is over. incessant holiday parties, dinners, and get togethers while tremendously fun, eventually wore me out. meanwhile, my first sojourn outside of the United States in 6 years, ended even before i can finish saying Happy Ho Ho Ho. it was great to have the opportunity to spend Christmas family once again. it was a truly unforgettable eight days - my first white christmas, seeing my sister pregnant for the first time, finding a new meaning of christmas day as seen in the eyes of my niece, and exploring a foreign country with joel. i definitely look forward to the next visit.

everything has been a blur since then. work has been crazy busy. and as i struggled to find my footing and a complete sense of normalcy, i had to deal with my annual performance evaluation. on top of that, i have a new boss - yet again. it's certainly beginning to feel like im getting a new one every umm, six months. =( a new year, a 9% salary increase, a new commission scheme, a new boss equals a promise of a great 2008, adjustments in the work environment and more responsibilities. it's all in a day's work.

another major highlight of the month is jun's 30th birthday! woohoo!!! an awesome, talented and true friend! i wish you all the best and many more birthdays to come.
L-R philip, josh, rd, joel, alex, phil, jun

tomorrow is February 1st. fourteen days to V-day. let the countdown begin.

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