it's been freezing the past week and today i caught myself looking at this awesome picture i took in hawaii. blue skies, warm water, lush greenery and the sun showering the entire scene with a beautiful orange hue. sigh ... please take me away!
quiet and uneventful - my blog page is a perfect reflection of my life. work, dance class, gym, studying web design - my routine is turning into a dull cycle. even if once in a while i manage to deviate from it - like hang out with friends, or go on a nice dinner date - after it's all done, it feels like my normal routine is way too over-powering to provide a sense of satisfaction that i was actually out of the cycle even for a few moments.
this morning i work up with a slight hang-over and realized that it was gonna be one of those days that i wish the cleaning fairy would come visit me. i was out of clean socks and underwear so laundry had to be done, my apartment looks like hurricane katrina hurled thru it, a stack of used dishes was piled high i'm scared it would topple over, and my bathroom is starting to have a life of its own. sigh ... please take me away!
do i whine too much?
oh speaking of 'whine' ... last night, i set out to join my friends celebrate Jun's birthday. i had 2 glasses of 'wine' at home earlier that night so needless to say, i was pretty much buzzing even before i got to the abbey. yeh, it was a struggle to finish a tall glass of absolut red bull and by the time i downed that shit, i was hammered! driving home wasn't a good idea but i managed. me and mr. b got home in one piece. i'm stubborn and foolish like that unfortunately and i would always always always berate myself the morning after.
mr. b got new brake pads and turn rotors last wednesday. i had to make an emergency visit to the service center after my wheels started making this funky metal-like scratchy sound. i was certain something was wrong and it scared the hell out of me - it felt like my wheels were gonna fly off any second. two hours and 225 dollars later, my car was running smoothly although my finances will be in a rough spot until the next payday. the price i have to pay for safety and some peace of mind. sigh ... please take me away!
celebrity sighting - ryan reynolds smoking outside GroundWorks on sunset and cahuenga. just thought i'd share. lol...
and oh, happy birthday mom! you may not be a big fan of my blog but i love you just the same ...
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