i was putting away the "tabo" and it dawned on - mom has gone back home and i am alone again. i started sobbing.
it's been a week since my mom and sisters left and as i slowly get back into the swing of things, i look back at the past 3 weeks and feel a sense of fulfillment. there are a thousand adjectives to describe mom's trip to LA, but if i had to choose one word, it would be LIBERATING. i was able to open up to her and express myself in ways i've never done before. it was good to finally tell her. we both cried. when she said she understands and she is accepting and that she still loves me - i cried even more.
needless to say, the opportunity to spend time with my family after 6 longs years is exactly what i needed. it's been a tough journey, not just for me but for everyone, most specially after we lost papa. it's a pretty hard reality but we have to accept that there will never be another trip with him. life will never be the same.
as i struggle to find normalcy, i continuously remind myself that i am never alone. i am blessed with a loving family who i know, despite our distance, will always be there for me. i have a solid circle of friends. the kind who will stick with you through both the good times and the bad. i am very lucky and i am forever thankful.